Dental Bonding Dentist Ocala Florida

Recently chip a tooth? Fed up with small gaps in between teeth? Our Ocala, FL, cosmetic dentist can introduce you to dental bonding! Often completed in a single visit, this procedure involves the application of tooth-colored resin material directly onto the imperfection. From there, it’s molded, cured, and polished before you’re sent on your way.

Here’s what else you need to know about bonding.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding, also known as cosmetic bonding, is a versatile procedure designed to enhance the appearance of teeth and address various dental concerns. As mentioned above, composite resin matching your natural enamel shade is applied to the surface of your tooth and then shaped and smoothed to create a seamless result.

Our dentist can use bonding to restore and improve:

The adaptability of dental bonding translates into a quick and effective solution for patients seeking to enhance their smiles. Keep in mind, however, that tooth bonding is ideal for aesthetic fixes, not for more severe issues. For instance, if a crack is deep enough or teeth are misaligned to the point that orthodontic treatment is needed, our dentist will need to move in a different direction.

What Makes Dental Bonding Appealing?

Compared to other similar cosmetic treatments, dental bonding is more affordable and cost-effective as patients are often only having one tooth worked on at a time. Additionally, the procedure doesn’t typically involve any local anesthetic and is minimally invasive so little, if any, enamel is removed. That means more of your natural tooth is preserved for a strong, yet beautiful final look.

Immediate results are also a huge benefit of dental bonding. Unlike porcelain veneers that may require multiple visits to complete, bonding often allows patients to see a noticeable improvement in the appearance of their teeth in a single visit. Depending on the number of teeth you need bonded, that’s 30-60 minutes per tooth.

Give Our Ocala Office a Call

Going through with dental bonding is easy, fast, and painless. Ask our cosmetic dentist in Ocala, FL, about the procedure today! Call Pruitt Dentistry at 352.732.3985 to request an appointment or feel free to contact us online.