Dental Implant Dentist Ocala Florida

Topped with custom-made crowns, dental implants serve as an innovative solution for replacing missing teeth. Surgically placed by our Ocala, FL, dental implant dentist, these artificial tooth roots offer durability, natural aesthetics, and functionality for patients wanting to restore their smile. Implants are great whether you’re filling a single gap (or multiple gaps) and provide a long-term solution, promoting confidence and improved quality of life.

Here’s what you should know about getting a dental implant.

Ocala Florida Dental Implant Dentist

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants consist of three main components: a titanium post, an abutment (connector piece), and a dental crown. All parts are combined and permanently embedded into the jawbone, ensuring a durable and long-lasting replacement for missing teeth. Because implants don’t simply rest on top of the gums, you don’t have to worry about slipping, shifting, or adjustments over time.

During the dental implant procedure, Dr. Pruitt will carefully insert the implant, providing a strong foundation for the restoration. The abutment then connects the implant to the crown, facilitating a secure attachment. Lastly, the crown, made from enamel-colored porcelain, is added to mimic the appearance and functionality of a natural tooth.

If you like the stability of dental implants but also need a full arch of teeth replaced, ask Dr. Pruitt about the possibility of implant-supported dentures.

Who Can Benefit From Dental Implants

Determining eligibility for dental implants involves evaluating a few factors. Candidates for dental implants generally include individuals that have lost one or more teeth and are looking for a way to rebuild their smile. Factors that can influence how well implants will work include overall oral health, jawbone density, and a commitment to post-implant care.

Restorative Dentist Near Me

It’s important to remember that dental implants can still be a viable option even if your jawbone is found to be lacking bone density. We can refer you to a local oral surgeon for a bone graft, allow you to properly heal, and invite you back into our Ocala, FL, dental office for the implant placement.

Patients experiencing difficulties with traditional dentures or bridges may also find dental implants to be a more stable and comfortable alternative. Moreover, those looking for a permanent and aesthetically-pleasing solution to tooth loss can benefit significantly from this advanced dental technology.

Make an Appointment

Our dental implant dentist in Ocala, FL, knows how transformative tooth replacement can be for patients. If you’re ready to not only regain confidence in your smile, but also improve your ability to chew and speak, call Pruitt Dentistry today at 352.732.3985 to request an appointment.