Teeth Whitening Dentist Ocala Florida

Getting rid of tooth stains just got easier with our at-home teeth whitening service. Our Ocala, FL, cosmetic dentist will take a closer look at your smile, select a new shade based on your preferences, and provide you with personalized supplies to use on your own time. Over the course of a few weeks, you’ll notice a brighter result that will last longer than store-bought solutions.

Here’s what else to know about professional teeth whitening.

Benefits of At-Home Teeth Whitening

The biggest advantage to choosing take-home teeth whitening from our dentist is the convenience and flexibility. Once we’ve given you the custom dental trays and gel, you’re good to brighten your smile as instructed. You’ll just need to make sure the gel only makes contact with your teeth after it’s applied and not your gums or some irritation may occur.

Don’t worry, we can help you before you leave our Ocala dental office so you’re well aware of every to-do and not-to-do.

Professional at-home teeth whitening kits also:

  • Are more comfortable to use compared to over-the-counter options thanks to unique trays that only fit your teeth
  • Allow you to pace how light your smile gets (versus all in one appointment)
  • Utilize a strong, yet safe whitening solution
  • Result in little to no sensitivity after completion

Overall, this approach provides the best of both worlds: professional-grade results without the need for frequent in-office visits. If you have any questions along the way, remember that our team would be happy to help so don’t hesitate to reach out.

What to Expect

Before we get started, Dr. Pruitt will perform an oral exam. He’ll assess the extent of your discoloration and take note of any existing oral health issues like cavities or gum disease. If found, these conditions will need to be cleared up prior to teeth whitening for the best results.

We’ll then use a shade guide to help match the look you’re envisioning and digitally scan your upper and lower teeth. This scan cuts out the need for old-school putty impressions and allows the whitening trays that you’ll wear to be created. Dr. Pruitt will wait to show you how to dispense and apply the gel until the trays are ready.

Give Our Office a Call

Whitening your teeth at home is easy with our cosmetic dentist in Ocala, FL. Request an appointment today by calling Pruitt Dentistry at 352.732.3985 or contact us online.