Teeth Cleanings Ocala Fl Dentist

Teeth cleanings with our Ocala, FL, dentist and staff go beyond the simple brush and floss routine; they are a critical element in maintaining not just oral health, but overall well-being. From preventing gum disease to detecting early signs of systemic conditions, the value of these cleanings lies in their ability to address health issues before they escalate into more significant problems.

Here’s why coming in for a teeth cleaning matters no matter your age.

How to Space Out Your Cleanings

Most dentists, including ours, agree that you should have your teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months, or twice in one year. This accepted standard allows our dentist and dental hygienists to keep tabs on the health of your teeth and gums.

Now, if you have a history of gum disease or a recent dental issue was found at your last appointment, you may need to visit our office more frequently. Every patient is different and our staff can advise you on your teeth cleaning schedule should you deviate from the standard.

Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth on your own is beneficial but does not effectively remove all plaque, tartar, and bacteria buildup. If you want to prevent tooth decay and cavity formation, specialized dental tools, a trained hygienist, and regular cleanings are all required.

The Anatomy of a Teeth Cleaning

A teeth cleaning is broken down into 4 main stages. Each component of the cleaning process is painless and relatively quick. The tools used will make various sounds that may sound intimidating but there is nothing to worry about as they shouldn’t cause you any pain.

Basic teeth cleanings consist of:

  1. Thorough Oral Examination
  2. Plaque & Tartar Removal
  3. Teeth Polishing
  4. Flossing

1. Thorough Oral Examination

Every teeth cleaning will begin with an oral examination of your entire mouth. Our hygienists will visually check your teeth and gums for signs of gingivitis or other potential concerns. During this stage, an oral cancer screening for suspicious lumps or bumps may also occur.

2. Plaque & Tartar Removal

Next, our hygienists will use a small tool called a scaler to carefully remove plaque and hardened tartar from around the gum line and in between your teeth. Scraping is normal while this is being done and the more tartar that exists, the more scraping you’ll hear.

3. Teeth Polishing

With tartar gone, our hygienists will move onto the third cleaning stage: polishing. A high-powered electric brush coated in gritty toothpaste is used to deep clean and remove anything left behind. The gritty consistency helps to gently scrub your teeth and is safe when used responsibly by a professional.

4. Flossing

The final stage of a teeth cleaning consists of a flossing session. Our hygienists will expertly floss between your teeth and identify potential bleeding spots as they move throughout your mouth. Any plaque or toothpaste left over is removed at this time.

Why We Encourage Regular Teeth Cleanings

Prevention is the primary goal inside our Ocala, FL, dental office. We want all of our patients to enjoy healthy teeth and gums for life and regular dental cleanings directly play into that.

In short, teeth cleanings rid your mouth of cavity causing plaque, prevent costly dental problems from arising, and protect you from tooth loss. Of course, if you do require restorative solutions or even cosmetic options, like porcelain veneers, for your smile, we’re always here to help.

Schedule Your Next Cleaning With Us 

It’s easy with everyone else going on for dental hygiene to be overshadowed by more pressing concerns. Yet, our dentist in Ocala, FL, encourages you to get back on track if you’ve fallen off or maintain your streak of oral care with a teeth cleaning. Call Pruitt Dentistry today at (352) 732-3985 to request an appointment.